Chemwatch supports 48 languages in the graphical user interface. One of these languages is "Spanish". However, only  "Castilian Spanish" as this is acceptable to Latin Americans. 

There are 8 types of Spanish; namely:

  • US Spanish
  • Castilian Spanish
  • Andalusian Spanish
  • Murcian Spanish
  • Canarian Spanish
  • Caribbean Spanish
  • Rioplatense Spanish
  • Equatoguinean Spanish

Someone born in Mexico who pronounces with a Mexican accent is totally capable of speaking the European Spanish dialect/variety (because ‘accent’ only concerns pronunciation, while ‘dialect’ concerns grammar and vocabulary).

Castilian Spanish: It developed from Latin after the Roman conquest of what is today Spain. By the 15th century, Castilian Spanish had become the dominant dialect in the whole peninsula. In the years that followed, it became the language of the Spanish Empire in the New World, which is why you may hear some people refer to Spanish as ‘castellano’ instead of ‘español.

Latin American Spanish: Spanish is also the official language of most South American countries (except for Brazil and Guyana), of six Central American republics, and of Mexico, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico. ‘Latin American Spanish’ is used as an umbrella term because Latin American countries present fewer variations in respect to one another than they do as a whole in respect to Spain. However, each country within Latin America (and each region within such countries) presents a characteristic dialect of its own (Colombian Spanish, Peruvian Spanish, Bolivian Spanish, etc.).

Click here for more information about languages and SDS support.