Ingredient/Substance Report

This is a regulatory ingredient report that highlights changes in regulatory data for clients' own inventory. The changes are reported taking into consideration the ingredients of the products and changes in regulatory databases around the world. During Chemwatch's Onboarding process, the main contacts and/or other users designated to receive these reports on a regular basis are drawn from regulatory databases related to your country(s) (where applicable). Global reports are also available. Users can opt in or out of these reports at any time.

Important Notes

Clients that are WeWrites customers should not have concern with updating their SDS as Chemwatch will reflect any changes automatically.  Wewrite clients may however want to update any printed copies they have of the SDS.  The report in such cases can be seen as informatory only.  


If Chemwatch does not write for customers, the Ingredient/Substance report can be used as an informative alert. If customers formulate their own products or write their own SDSs, then this report comes as an alert for them as to changes that may affect their own products.


In general, this report highlights regulatory changes and these changes may or may not require an update to SDS but may have impacts in other parts of your business.

What important information is contained in the report to highlight?

The Substance(s) recorded in International Regulatory Lists (or only the countries/regions selected) that appear as ingredients of products in your chemical register if;

  • The substance is added new to a Regulatory List
  • The substance was pre-existing but there has been some change in the information provided
  • Deletions of substances from Regulatory Lists

The Ingredient/Substance Report looks like the example provided below.

Ingredient Report 

A full report is also provided in a spreadsheet detailing the product name and the respective ingredients, ingredient CAS number as an attachment.

Where a product is found to be “Obsolete”, this means that the product is no longer sold. The product’s SDs will also display this status of the product’s Chemwatch Gold SDS.