Unique formula identifier (UFI) is a unique 16-character code to identify the identity and composition of a  hazardous mixture placed on the EU market from 2020.  All products with the same UFI need to share the same composition.

Example: UFI: E300-30P1-S00Y-5049

A software application (called the UFI generator) has been developed to help industry to generate UFIs. You need to provide company VAT number and formulation number when using UFI generator. 

According to Annex VIII to CLP, the Unique Formula Identifier (UFI) must be added to, i.e. printed on or affixed to, the label of mixtures classified for health or physical hazards under CLP/GHS. It belongs to mandatory info.

The UFI and the other information you have provided, will primarily be used by poison centres in the event of an emergency call. For example, the UFI can be read directly from the label of a product to a poison centre operator in addition to the trade name to precisely identify the product involved in an incident.


The first compliance date for hazardous mixtures intended for consumer use has been postponed from 1 January 2020 to 1 January 2021. A new label element will be required on certain product labels from 2021 – a 16-character code called the unique formula identifier (UFI). By 2025, the UFI will be mandatory on the label of all products classified for health or physical hazards. Importers and downstream users placing such products on the market, will have to provide specific product information, including the UFI, for the use of poison centres. Tools and support to generate the UFI are available on ECHA’s Poison Centres website.