SmartSuite App offers the following features and functions.

Category Applicable or Not Applicable in SmartSuite
Adding materials or products using SmartSuite Not applicable. Use the web application to add materials.
Adding Vendor (M)SDS using SmartSuite Not applicable. Use the web application to add materials.
Creating Folders or stores using SmartSuite Not applicable. Use the web application to add materials.
Removing materials or products or Vendors (M)SDSs using SmartSuite Not applicable. Use the web application to add materials.
Renaming materials using SmartSuite (Creating Preferred Names) Not applicable. Use the web application to add materials.
Updating records of materials in SmartSuite First, sync data in SmartSuite to update data as per the web application data. The sync will ensure that any newly added materials are available
in SmartSuite as well as respective documents.