Note that the vendor details must exist in the database. This can be achieved by adding new preferred vendor in the settings module. This is a normally an administrative function. The steps below take assumption that the supplier (vendor) details already exist in the database.

To assign a Preferred Vendor to a Material's Gold (M)SDS, follow the steps below.

Steps: Assign a preferred vendor (supplier details) to a Gold (M)SDS

1. Select the “Home” module button  

2. Select “folder” name  that contains materials

3.  Mouse right click on material

4. Select “Add Preferred Vendor” from the menu

5. Type the name of the “Vendor” in the text field within the Preferred Vendor Assignment panel and select full address from the drop down list. Note that the Gold (M)SDS Supplier section 1 allows a maximum of three vendors at a time to be assigned. In this case, 1 supplier have been assigned.



6. Click on the “Save” button



7. A message will display to confirm input data has been saved.

8. Select the Gold (M)SDS button in the (M)SDS and Labels panel

9. Click the “Material Name” from the materials list to render and display Gold (M)SDS

10. Confirm that the preferred vendor has been assigned to the material’s Gold (M)SDS by clicking on Section’s icon  

11. Select the “Identification” Section 1. Preferred Supplier is now assigned.