The standard Gold (M)SDS contains graphics, tables, hazard rating and colour coding whereas the Vanilla (M)SDS is a simplified format of the Gold (M)SDS without colour coding and no hazard rating graphics. The visual appearance of the Gold (M)SDS formatting is set by the main administrator of the system for all users. The content of the (M)SDS text for all types of formats is maintained, the only primary effect is how the information is presented on the document.

Example: Standard Gold (M)SDS

Vanilla Gold (M)SDS

For the most part of the (M)SDS is plain text and minimal tables where applicable depending on availability of information as per the material's classification.

Base Gold (M)SDS

Base (M)SDS is identical to the standard version, however, it can also be set to limited settings depending on what is deemed neccessary by the main administrator. The screenshot below shows that in this example, the Chemwatch hazard ratings and hazard alert code have been taken off from the standard Gold (M)SDS Settings. However, rating can also be allowed to show in the base sds.