Performing a Risk Assessment and User Attributes in general

The risk assessment module enables users to conduct risk assessments using the control banding methodology for health (use) and dangerous goods (storage).  The table below provides user folder attributes related to read-write permissions as background information.



User Interface Attribute

Risk Assess 


Users can view the folder register of materials but cannot edit risk assessments unless granted permission

Directories/folder content can be accessed by the user but cannot add or copy or move or remove (delete) folders or risk assess chemicals

View only


Users can risk assess chemicals, copy, move, remove (delete) chemicals, and generate reports

Directories/folder content can be accessed by the user with read-write permission, edit or perform risk assessments on chemicals and generate a full report and create and approve .JOBS.

View and Edit 

A JOB is known as a series of tasks and chemicals used by an organisation and can be grouped into 'Folders" representing:

  • Locations
  • Jobs 

Why and when would JOBS be useful?

The risk associated with a Job is not necessarily the same as the Risks associated with the task. the task with the worst possible outcome defines the overall job rating. 

The system has a repository of all JOBS saved via an Approvals Form that can also incorporate signatures to go with that specific risk assessment report (based on JOB). This JOB repository is an archive directory of all saved approved forms for risk assessments.

The 'JOBS' subsidiary module is useful when creating risk assessments on the same material for various purposes (series of tasks), especially if the material is used in the same conditions in the same environment.  This functionality allows users to create JOBS to differentiate between tasks or activities for the same material being assessed. The terminology is for assigning a JOB  to a risk assessment is called "Approvals". The Approvals Form is used to fill in the specific fields to get the risk assessment approved by the supervisor or manager and produce Jobs Report.

Generate a JOB REPORT

The following steps illustrate the sequence of steps on how to use the JOBS/FOLDERS mode to generate a Jobs Report. In this scenario, we use an already completed risk assessment to generate the JOBS Report.


1. Press the Jobs button on the Risk Assessment toolbar.

2. Select the Expand Arrow on the Jobs folder directory tree to view subsidiary nodes at level 1  (Name of the Job assigned via the risk assessment Approvals Form) 

3. Click on the Job Name folder to view the respective risk assessment job(s).

4. Press the Job Report button from the toolbar to render the short Process Report.

The Job Report contains summary information based on completed risk assessment data. This report provides the job name, number of tasks performed, hazard rating, risk band/rating, adopted controls, the task name, and the date of the report.