Creating a mixture involves several steps as per the defined CREDO form tabs in the previous section. Chemwatch recommends using a 7-step wise chronological approach to create and get your material/ mixture classified. All relevant information about the material/mixture must be entered into the various sections of the form to feed into the final calculation and publish  the material mixture to add it into he inventory so that is is searchable, as well as print a Mini SDS and label. 


The following steps illustrate ‘how to create a mixture and generate a label from a default template.  To generate a classification for a mixture, ensure that you to have all the required basic information on hand to complete the exercise, with at least two ingredients with varying chemical composition and proportion.


1. Press the CREDO module button

2. Clickthe Product Identification tab

3. Fill up the following information in the respective fields to identify the mixture. Use the calendar icon  to change the Issue Date.

4. Clickthe Manufacturer Details tab

5. Clickthe Add icon to create your own preferred manufacturer detail as this mixture will be created by user

6. Enter the your organisation/company details; name, address, contact, emergency information and website (if applicable)

7. Press the Submit button from the Add Vendor Panel


 Note that the Manufacturer Details will be shown in the label once mixture has been saved into the system.

8. Clickthe Credite Posteri tab

9. Type the 1st Ingredient name, 2nd Ingredient name, etc.

10. Selectthe Ingredient(s) name from the autocomplete list

11. Click the Ingredients’ proportion % fields alongside each ingredient and enter the composition % proportions

12. Enter other physical properties where applicable, e.g., State = Liquid, Water solubility = Miscible, etc. Where physical properties are defaulted to “Not Available”, simply retain and move on to the next step.

13. Clickthe Review Ingredients tab

14. Clickthe Sanitise switch button to turn it on (optional)

15. Clickthe Edit icon  to activate edit function for an ingredient row

16. Change the name of the ingredient (if applicable), Enter a catalogue number and review the classification codes

  Input data is shown in the example below. Note that the default ingredient name, catalogue number if available, hazard codes, GHS(CLP) classification checkbox(es) will be selected if the ingredient is classified as a hazardous chemical

17. Press the Submit button

18. The Review Ingredients form will reflect saved data changes.

If no review is to be completed for the ingredient name, ignore those fields and go the next sanitisation name steps to review

19. Enter the sanitisation name for the ingredient (s) field(s), e.g., ammonia solution in the blue field below the original ingredient name

20. Enter the sanitisation for the ingredient (s) proportion range e.g., 5-15% 

21. Clickthe Review Ingredient Sanitisation icon  to hide ingredient (if needed to be hidden from view)

 Hidden Sanitisation ingredient information gets displayed as hidden.

22. Clickthe Review Classification tab

23. The generated GHS(CLP) hazard codes are shown with selected checkbox(es) by default (in light blue colour) alongside each hazard statement. Make your own selection(s) to add to the classification where deemed necessary and those user selected codes will get listed as user defined as shown in green colour coding below.

24. Click the Dangerous Goods tab

25. The Dangerous Goods classification gets populated by default after reviewing the classification information and ingredients. The UN No, DG Class, Packing Group and Shipping Name is automatically inserted into the respective classification field in the form. Enter the poison schedule number (if applicable). 

26. Select  the Ingredient(s) Look Up link to review the prominent ingredient. 

27. In this case scenario, the ingredient with the highest % proportion in the mixture and most hazardous is sulfuric acid. Select the checkbox alongside the prominent ingredient

 The N.O.S.Ing.lookup link field gets populated with the relevant information for which the ingredient is contained in the mixture.

28. Press the Publish button on the bottom middle of the Credo Form window to enable the system to save the mixture into your inventory

29. Press the Update button to save the data and render the calculation of the mixture

30. The mixture’s material name gets displayed within the material list showing the following columnar data; Version Number, Issue Date, Catalogue Number, DGC, DGS1, DGS2, PKG and SDS ETC.

 Important analogy about the generated mixture is that it is classified as an extremely hazardous material (see hazard icon colour code ) based on the ingredients and proportion % composition as well as a dangerous good class 3 (see DGC column), due to its flammability category.

31. Click on the hazard colour code icon, e.g., in this case scenario, red hazard icon to display the hazard classification summary label information

32. Select the SDS ETC icon to display document options; Mini SDS, Label, LOC

33. Click on the Mini button  to render a Mini SDS


34. Click on the Label button  to choose a default label template or a user defined label template from the label gallery

35. Hover the mouse pointer towards the bottom right corner of the label thumbnail for a particular template name, e.g., GHS 4 per A4_Portrait and select the forward arrow that appears to render the label for the mixture

 Label information gets generated based on the classification of the mixture as per the ingredients calculation data. The label shows the GHS pictograms, GHS signal word, GHS Hazard codes and statements, Ingredients and proportions %, etc…